방송 영어 설명서
- 365 조회
이상한 문법이나 더 나은 문장이 있다면 댓글로 알려주세요!
Streaming like white noise, Use this streaming like chatroom. (fake stream) -Interesting chatbot-
In the "just chatting" category of broadcast replays, the sound of the mic will be deleted.
Chat rules
- Streaming to watching YouTube, Twitch replay, live streaming.
Sometimes, I play games.
- Don't chat weirdly.
(Racism, direct obscenity, etc.)
- This streaming is nothing, so watch it comfortably.
I turn on the mic but don't talk much.
- If there's no streamer, I'll probably be lying on the bed.
Use the channel reward (방장호출!) to call streamer.
Chat command
All commands are not case sensitive.
!명령어 / !command
Display the chat command. (korean)
!업타임 / !uptime
Display the streaming runtime.
chatbot : 방송 시간 : 00H 00M 00S
!시간 / !time
Displays the current time. (UTC+9, KST)
chatbot : 현재 시간 : (AM, PM) 00H 00M
" 오전 " = AM, " 오후 " = PM
!가위바위보 / !RPS
Play rock paper scissors.
It only works in Korean right now.
" 가위 " = Scissors
" 바위 " = Rock
" 보 " = Paper
ex) !RPS 가위
!선택 / !pick
Command to pick one.
Words are separated by spaces.
ex) !pick lance bread mouse
chatbot : My pick is bread! (korean)
!링크 / !link
Display a link to the channel I'm watching.
Channel reward
방장호출! (Call streamer!)
This reward has a cat sound alert only.
손인사 (Wave hello)
I'll wave hello
This reward has a cat sound alert.
TTS 퇴장하기 (Leave TTS)
From now on, TTS won't read your chat!
수분 섭취! (Hydrate!)
Make me take a sip of water.
This reward has a cat sound alert.
자세 확인! (Posture Check!)
I straighten up - thanks!
This reward has a cat sound alert.
TTS 입장하기 (Join TTS)
From now on, TTS will read your chat!
명령어 만들어줘 (Request a chat command)
I make a chat command or channel reward for your request.
Please write down the request in detail.
This reward has a cat sound alert.
이모티콘 만들어줘 (Request a chat emote)
I make a chat emote for your request.
I can't make it if there are not enough slots.
Please write down the request in detail.
This reward has a cat sound alert.
Happenlance 한판 돌기 (Happenlance full run once)
This reward has a cat sound alert.
게임 해줘 (Game recommendation)
If I have a game, I'll play it soon.
If I don't have a game, you'll have to wait.
This reward has a cat sound alert.
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